
The Motivated Mom

Affirmation: A positive assertion (Merriam Webster Online)

We all remember the scene in “The Help” where Viola Davis, playing the housekeeper, knelt down to button the little girl’s coat and had her repeat the following:  “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” We laughed at the accent and the mispronunciation of the words, but that housekeeper was doing the ingenious. She gave that little girl a sense of herself that no one could ever take away.  In this “dog eat dog” world, full of bullies and people that just want to trample all over our children, what can we do to give our babies that same sense of themselves? Affirmations!
It goes without saying that your child needs daily affirmation of your love for them. It helps them feel secure, cared about and gives them a sense of pride.

There are other reasons for affirmations as well, it gives…

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