Oh, Baby!

Summertime is baby boom time. I work in a hospital and I love seeing all the new babies going home. Whenever I see the new mothers, I can’t help but think of how much help they will need when they get home.

I was blessed with so much help after my baby was born, I can’t even imagine how I would’ve functioned without it. Here are some suggestions for ways to help a new mom.

  • Make a meal for the family
  • Bring over some healthy snacks for the nursing mom
  • Offer to babysit any older children
  • Offer to sit in the home with the new baby so the mother can get some sleep, take a shower, eat a meal peacefully
  • Offer to do the grocery shopping
  • Offer to take her to the grocery store, post office, mall or anywhere she wants
  • Offer to do laundry
  • Load or unload the dishwasher
  • Offer to run any errands for her
  • Take the dog for a walk
  • Offer to help write the Thank You notes for all the gifts she’s received
  • Organize your mutual friends to take turns helping out

There are so many ways to help out a new mother, whatever way you come up with to help out, the important thing is to just reach out and offer the help.


Monday Random Acts of Kindness

Mondays are usually the most difficult day of the week, you’re still trying to come down off your weekend and you gotta get back to the grindstone. I thought this was the PERFECT day for a Random Act of Kindness. An RAK will help your day get off to a great start and give the recipient an awesome start to their week.  Sounds like a WIN-WIN, right?

Today’s RAK is… Post A Note

Put a love note in your honey’s lunch.
Put a love note in your child’s lunch.
Post a love note on your honey’s steering wheel.
Post a love note on the bathroom mirror at home with an encouraging or loving message.
Post a note in a grocery store aisle with an encouraging message on the back of a bottle or bag of something, you never know who might need that. You can put something short & sweet like You are Amazing. You are Awesome.
Post a note in a public bathroom with an encouraging message.

Many options… Find yours and just do it.

Go ahead make someone’s day… I double dare ya!