Oh, Baby!

Summertime is baby boom time. I work in a hospital and I love seeing all the new babies going home. Whenever I see the new mothers, I can’t help but think of how much help they will need when they get home.

I was blessed with so much help after my baby was born, I can’t even imagine how I would’ve functioned without it. Here are some suggestions for ways to help a new mom.

  • Make a meal for the family
  • Bring over some healthy snacks for the nursing mom
  • Offer to babysit any older children
  • Offer to sit in the home with the new baby so the mother can get some sleep, take a shower, eat a meal peacefully
  • Offer to do the grocery shopping
  • Offer to take her to the grocery store, post office, mall or anywhere she wants
  • Offer to do laundry
  • Load or unload the dishwasher
  • Offer to run any errands for her
  • Take the dog for a walk
  • Offer to help write the Thank You notes for all the gifts she’s received
  • Organize your mutual friends to take turns helping out

There are so many ways to help out a new mother, whatever way you come up with to help out, the important thing is to just reach out and offer the help.


Meatless Monday :)

My daughter and I recently decided to start a Meatless Monday for the summer. We go the whole day without eating any meat. While the thought of having a meal with no meat is horrifying to some, what better time than the summer than to drop those heavy meat meals and try a lighter meal that won’t lay so heavy on your stomach.

Below are some meatless recipes that I hope will entice you to give Meatless Monday a second thought and perhaps a try out.

Breakfast Options


Lunch/Dinner Suggestions




Drop me a note and let me know which recipe you tried and how you liked it.  Till next time… Have a Happy & Healthy Week.



Lip Smackin Month of May…

The month of May has some really wacky & fun holidays, like May 1st is Mother Goose Day. May 3rd is Lumpy Rug Day. May 8th is No Socks Day but I think my favorite Wacky May Holiday is May 15th… National Chocolate Chip Day 🙂

In honor of this very important yet overlooked holiday, I found some fun recipes and ideas that you can do with the family to celebrate. So grab the chocolate chips and the family because some of the cutest pictures contain chocolate covered fingers and chocolate smudged faces, and let the celebration begin.

Try these on Date Night:IMG_0491-2
This doesn’t really use chocolate chips to make it but you can certainly garnish it with some
http://mixthatdrink.com/chocolate-chip and who doesn’t love smores? http://www.dessertfortwo.com/indoor-

All this talk has made me hungry. I’m off to buy some chocolate chips and try a few of these recipes.  I hope you get to try out some of these recipes and if you have one that you would like to share, please do.

OH, and if you use dark chocolate… it’s Heart Healthy 🙂





Monday Random Acts of Kindness

Mondays are usually the most difficult day of the week, you’re still trying to come down off your weekend and you gotta get back to the grindstone. I thought this was the PERFECT day for a Random Act of Kindness. An RAK will help your day get off to a great start and give the recipient an awesome start to their week.  Sounds like a WIN-WIN, right?

Today’s RAK is… Post A Note

Put a love note in your honey’s lunch.
Put a love note in your child’s lunch.
Post a love note on your honey’s steering wheel.
Post a love note on the bathroom mirror at home with an encouraging or loving message.
Post a note in a grocery store aisle with an encouraging message on the back of a bottle or bag of something, you never know who might need that. You can put something short & sweet like You are Amazing. You are Awesome.
Post a note in a public bathroom with an encouraging message.

Many options… Find yours and just do it.

Go ahead make someone’s day… I double dare ya!

Dear Mommy…

Dear Mommy,
I really like the Jordans and the Hoverboard you bought me, but I’m also kind of sad. I’m sad because you didn’t show up for Parent/Teacher Night to meet my teacher.

Mommy I really like all the nice things you buy me but I really need you to help stimulate my mind. Mommy maybe you can help me with my homework? Even if I start crying I can say “she did that.” Mommy can you help me with my science fair project? Even if I don’t win anything I can say “We did that.” Mom can you encourage me to try new things and explore my surroundings? Mom can we go to the museum, or the zoo together? How about an art gallery?

Mommy, while I have your ear, can I ask you a favor? Can you please stop calling me out of my name? I’m not dumb or stupid, I’m not the “B” word or any of those other bad words you use. Maybe we can try encouragement? Tell me how once I learn this Math, I can grow up to be an Engineer, astronaut or an airplane pilot. Tell me how learning English would help me IMG_9823-3to be a Professor or a Motivational Speaker when I grow up. Tell me that by excelling in school I could one day be President of the United States, CEO of a major company or how I could own my own business. Tell me how proud you are of me and believe that I can be anything I want to be because I am smart. Just one little question, can you tell me when it’s just you and me and not a room full of people, it’s easier to believe that way?

Mother, You are the most important person in my life and I want to make you proud.
I am a reflection of you. I think you are pretty and smart and I love you a lot, and yes Mama, I DO want to go to the moon, or be PresidentIMG_9814, or own my own company, but I’ll only realize these dreams if you can realize them with me.
Thank you Mommy.

Love Always,
Your Child

MomME time

For the first year after my daughter was born, it was just me and her… EVERYDAY!  Baby talking, children’s program watching, ABC reading, Toys R Us visiting… By the end of the day I craved adult conversation.  As my daughter got older, we continued to do everything together.  I’d take her to daycare, pick her up after work, go home, and we would hang out together until bedtime. When my daughter was almost 6, we moved to NY. Fell right into a new schedule and off we went to school, piano, bowling, chorus and then home to start all over again.  I totally enjoyed her company.  I loved seeing her face light up when she learned something new, or her eyes get wide with excitement when she saw something for the first time. I was also very selective about who my daughter was around and what she would be learning in their atmosphere. So we had weekly trips to Barnes & Noble and Friday night girl’s night, watching movies and eating ice cream sundaes (homemade of course).  I was so happy in those moments, spending time with my baby girl.

One day, my best friend and godmother to my daughter, asked if she could take her for the weekend. My friend and I were pregnant together and our daughters were born 6 months apart. I was reluctant at first because she had never been away from me like that before, but I did say yes. I packed my baby girl up on that Friday night and my friend came to pick her up. Kiss. Kiss. Mommy loves you. Have a good time. Behave yourself. See you on Sunday, and off they went. I turned around and went back in my apartment, took a seat on the couch and just sat there staring at the walls. Eventually I got up and went in my bedroom, sat on the bed and stared at those walls, at some point I laid across the bed and fell asleep.  I had NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF! So I spent most of that weekend doing all the things that I would be doing if my daughter was there. I cleaned up, I washed clothes,  I cooked for the week, but mostly I just sat looking at the walls or the TV not knowing what to really do with the free time that I had.  My daughter came home Sunday afternoon and I was so happy,  I had something to do again.

How many of you have experienced this? I have asked this question of other mothers over the years and far too often the stories are similar. We forget how to be “us” once we have children. It’s a learning process and something that we NEED to do to be better mothers, we just don’t realize it because we are so focused on our children and all the joys and responsibilities of our role. I was never a big makeup person but before I had my daughter, I wore contact lenses and put on a little makeup here and there. I would go shopping often, get my hair and nails done and hang out with the girls. Once I had my daughter, there was no time to put in contact lenses. No time for makeup, slathering some Vaseline on my face was my beauty regimen. “Made up” was clean clothes (not necessarily ironed), a snatched-back ponytail and my glasses. It was bad, I felt like I had no time to do anything especially as a first time, single mom. Taking time for yourself is important, it helps you to de-stress. With all the many hats you wear, you need a moment when it’s ok to let your hair down for a bit.  If you give yourself a break and allow yourself some playtime, you will feel refreshed, rejuvenated and much happier. But what is there to do when all you’ve known is to take care of your children? It takes time to become fully comfortable with the whole ME time thing, at least it did for me, but here are some of the things I learned to do.

Have a beauty day… Hair and mani/pedi. If you know in advance that you will have some MomMe time make an appointment with your stylist. Then get those nails and feet done. If you are in the NYC area, Dashing Diva offers free cocktails on Thursdays and Fridays after 5pm. Sippin while your Primpin, doesn’t get any better than that http://www.dashingdiva.com.
Saturday plan a girls night out with some of your friends or go bowling, go to the movies, go to a club/lounge, go out to dinner. Have the girls over for drinks & game night.
On Sunday, go out to brunch with some of your friends or by yourself before your little darling comes home.
Some other things you can do would be to take a class or pick up a hobby, Knitting was my drug of choice and I still enjoy it today.
Go out on a date, with yourself or with a friend.
Go to a concert, a play, a museum, to the spa, meditate, go for a bike ride, plan a weekend getaway.
There are so many things to do, the main thing is to do something.

Chances are you don’t know you need time to yourself until you get it. I didn’t, but I’ll tell you one thing. The next time I knew that my daughter was going away for a weekend… I had plans!

Make time for you. You will thank yourself.


“Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your children.”

Here are some links with more suggestions on how to enjoy your free time:





I Can’t…

photo-29 There are two things that children say that really burn me up and it makes it even worse when I don’t hear the parents correct them. The first is the word hate and the second is the word the can’t. Hate, such a strong word and so misused, but we will deal with hate at a later date.

CAN’T a contraction of cannot; definition… Unable to

It really bothers me to hear anyone saying that they can’t, but when young people say the word it does something to me.  It makes me think of all the people that have walked this earth before them. The ones that were told they “can’t”… Oh you can’t be president, that’s just silly, go sit back down. You can’t be an Engineer, you’re a girl, stop that silly talk.

   What’s even worse is that a lot of times these words are coming from teachers, parents, ministers; the community that is supposed to uplift them, direct them, encourage them, instead they are misleading our babies. The conversation has changed a bit since the 60’s, but there are children still believing that there is something they can’t do and parents who are still co-signing that belief. “Oh she just can’t grasp that new math, it’s just too hard for her” “He isn’t able to do what the other boys do, he just can’t.” If WE, the parents, are filling their heads with I can’t then guess what they won’t! Not only that, they won’t even make an effort because they have already been told don’t waste your time. What they can’t do is sit back and let the world pass them by. What they can’t do is give up every time something is too difficult for them.

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination” Jimmy Dean.

                                                               photo-31We don’t always control what life throws at us, but teach our young people that there is always a way around it. There is always another approach. You can’t get the new math? Ask the teacher for tutoring. Ask the teacher to give you a website that you can use at home to help you understand it better. It is important that we let them know that they are capable of achieving great things. No one Great ever stopped at can’t!

Let’s keep moving our babies toward their destination.

Will Smith – Pursuit of Happyness (speaking to his son) Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t, not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can’t do something themselves, they’re gonna tell you that you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period!